If you have already applied for membership, please contact the governing body for your Login Credentials. Thanks!!
We are a group of people from IT Industry and Public Sector Units and have formed this
society with the sole aim of utilizing the policy to help our family and friends fulfil their
dream of having a home in the futuristic sub-cities being planned within the capital.
The society has been registerd under Societies Registration
act XXI of 1860, to acquire land in strategically located L zone ((area between
Dwarka and Gurgaon)) and P2 Zone (near burari / Splash Water Park, GT Karnal Road) of Delhi, under DDA’s
ambitious land pooling policy.
We have already acquired some land in P2 zone and are in talks with owners in L zone to extend
there too. We have received good support from our members and are hopeful of making it a grand