Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society

Regn. No. District Shahdara/Society/170/2013
For family, friends and colleagues

Thanks for showing your confidence in the society and for your continuous support. We have received response from sufficient number of applicants, which has allowed us to make initial payment for the land cost for 2 acres.
We will request you to adhere to the guidelines on the future payments so as to quickly wrap up the land deal.

Further, few applicants were seeking extra time by a couple of days for making payments. We have scope to accommodate 15 more people in our current acquisition. Payments for this slot will be accepted strictly on the basis of first come first server basis.

NB: Entries are made into the system as soon as the cheques are received at our end. The system generates receipt numbers automatically, which could not be tampered with. Member count will be done per these auto generated numbers and no biasness, of any kind, will be allowed.

Remember, it is your society and the onus lies on you too, to keep its functioning clean.

Details on our current and future course of action are:

Land Availability: We have identified two 1 acre pieces of land in addition to the initial 2 acres for the existing members (who have already paid atleast 25% of the land cost). The cost for the cheaper one, out of the two pieces, will cost Rs.900/= psf to the interested applicants. Only 60 members can be accommodated on this one.

Technical aspects: We are working up on the process of making our website more interactive. Once completed, members will be able to do a number of things directly online, simply by logging-in, which would include viewing & modification of membership details, downloading of receipts etc.
Also, our IT team is consistently working on automation of the complete system, so as to make the process hassle free and error free for a smooth experience to the members.
Constructional aspect: We might need to finish up with the land accumulation process, soon, per the time window provided by the DDA for land handover. As soon as we are done with the land collection part, our team of engineers would start working on the scope of the design and structural aspect of the project.
Inclusion of more Plans: Few applicants were seeking more flexible time window for the payment of land cost. We are trying to chalk out a plan for the same and are working with our experts on details. Though, if found feasible, it will come out at an extra cost. This should be noted that, given the current situation in the P II zone, land owners do calculate presumed future rates (which are significant in nature) while allowing any additional discount in the payment window.