Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society

Regn. No. District Shahdara/Society/170/2013
For family, friends and colleagues

Dear All,

After relentlessly nagging the Urban affairs ministry and the DDA officials for many a month, they have finally released the notices for the first 3 sectors. These files were completed in January this year but got stuck due to some technicalities. We had been working with them on this since then to get the issues resolved and had been pushing for an early release.

The next list will be released within a month and will have the names of around 6 more sectors, including ours. This first notice is going to be sufficient for us to begin full-fledged work on the consortium formation in our sector.

After having online meetings with the landowners for months, we held an in-person meeting in the village last Sunday with the representatives of several sectors, as we anticipated the notices by this week. We even went to the DDA’s office yesterday to get the file data for the landowners where the vetting is not completed yet. We will be pushing these landowners to go to the DDA’s office and do the needful. We may even arrange transportation, if felt necessary, to expedite things that we can.

A large meeting of landowners is being scheduled for this coming Sunday and our technical team, including an Urban Planner and Architect, would be accompanying us to take a note of the sector.

We have also initiated work on the IT side to accommodate the needs of the future. This will include setting routes for easy access to Sectoral details/data, the online presence for the sector-wise consortiums, providing an online platform to the landowners, setting up of land redistribution protocol etc. The work will be carried out in phases. The task for phase 1 enhancement has already been allocated. Application software was also developed to help with land management for the sector. Enhancements will be done to it as things would progress.

Congratulations and best of luck to us all as we are stepping into the most crucial phase of the land pooling.

Thanks for your support. Suggestions are always welcome!!

After approving the land pooling policy in September, last year, DDA is set to launch an online portal for operationalisation and implementation of the policy on 5th of Feb.

Also, a nodal officer has been appointed by DDA for it to coordinate with all service providing agencies, such as, DJB, PWD delhi, Transco etc.

Per officials, ‘integrated sector-based planning approach’ will be followed and that a sector of 250 to 300 hectares of land will be eligible to be developed once a minimum of 70% contiguous land within a sector is assembled.

Keeping in line with the goal of ‘ease of doing business’, a single-window system is being created for the implementation of the policy in DDA. All processes of receiving applications, verifications, grant of approvals and licences, etc., will be completed in a time-bound manner,” the DDA had said earlier.

A two-stage grievance redressal mechanism has been set within DDA for transparent and people-friendly operationalization and implementation of the policy.

 DDA Vice-Chairman Tarun Kapoor had told The Hindu earlier this month, “The online portal for the land pooling policy is almost ready and trial runs are on currently.”

Also, DDA has initiated formation of an expert panel. Per reports, the panel formation should have completed by now. It will be comprised of town planners, planning and engineering experts etc. This panel will be responsible for drafting a detailed road-map for the policy. Firstly, zonal plans will be created which will be marked with details on land ear-marked for residential development, community halls, park, and parking and on sewerage and water pipe connectivity. The policy will then be carried forward per these details.

Courtesy: Navbharat Times, The Hindu, and other news sources.

After approval from LG, Anil Baijal, last month, the policy has been cleared by the Centre too.

Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister, Mr Hardeep Singh Puri, when asked about the current status of the Policy, by the reporters, stated that he has signed the policy. A senior official of the ministry also confirmed the same.

The land pooling will have to go through two more steps. The Ministry will have to issue a Gazette notification, which should happen anytime this month itself; following which it will go back to DDA for operationalisation.

In the meanwhile, we have begun the process for consolidation of resources for the formation of sector-wise consortiums, to get ready for participation by the time DDA opens up the window.

BJP MLA Vijender Gupta confirmed that DDA’s land pooling policy has finally been approved. It was cleared at the Authority’s board meeting chaired by the LG, Anil Baijal on Friday.

Land pooling Policy was simplified for speedy execution in October, last year. Delhi Development Authority (DDA) role was limited to that of a facilitator and planner as against the role initially envisaged for it as a part of the simplification of execution of land pooling policy. These changes were accepted later, in December, in a meeting chaired by LG on 21st. DDA was also asked to ensure single-window clearance mechanism for according necessary approvals for speedy implementation.

The policy will now go to the UD Ministry and is likely to be notified within two to three weeks.

Per Mr Vijender Gupta, member of DDA Board of Enquiry, LG will be heading a meeting of the board on 7th of September at 10.00 AM at his residence. The main agenda of the meeting will be the implementation/approval of Land pooling policy. During this meeting, all aspects of Land Pooling policy will be discussed in detail and members will present their suggestion and objections regarding the same. LG is expected to clear the modifications on the Land Pooling during this meeting. Once approved, the proposal will be sent to UD Ministry which should then notify it. Per a separate meeting of DDVM with VC DDA, notification can be expected by the last week of September.


दिल्लीवासियों को किफायती आवास उपलब्ध कराने वाले दिल्ली विकास प्राधिकरण (डीडीए) की लैंड पूलिंग पॉलिसी को जनसुनवाई बोर्ड ने अंतिम रूप दे दिया है। शुक्रवार को इसके मसौदे को अंतिम स्वीकृति दी गई।

  • रिपोर्ट में तय किया गया है कि लैंड पूलिंग पॉलिसी के अंतर्गत विकास स्मार्ट सिटी की अवधारणा पर आधारित होना चाहिए।
  • विकास की गति के प्रति संवेदनशीलता तथा जनता व पर्यावरण के हित को प्राथमिकता पर भी बल दिया गया है।
  • लैंड पूलिंग पॉलिसी को सरलतापूर्वक समझाने के लिए मॉडल तैयार करने की सिफारिश की गई।
  • बोर्ड के सदस्यों ने इसपर भी बल दिया कि लैंड पूलिंग पॉलिसी के तहत बनने वाली कॉलोनियों, मार्केटों इत्यादि में सफाई व्यवस्था जीरो वेस्ट फामरूले पर आधारित हो। कूड़े को कम से कम पैदा करने की कोशिश हो और रिसाइक्लिंग पर भी काम किया जाए। सौर ऊर्जा का अधिक से अधिक प्रयोग किया जाए। आवश्यकतानुसार सीवर ट्रीटमेंट प्लांट लगाए जाएं। ऐसी व्यवस्था हो कि सीवर का पानी रिसाइकिल कर पीने योग्य बन जाए।
  • रिपोर्ट में सिफारिश की गई कि छोटे प्लॉटों के मालिकों के हितों का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाए।

यह रिपोर्ट दो व तीन जुलाई को संपन्न जनसुनवाई के आधार पर तैयार की गई थी। लैंड पूलिंग पर 699 आपत्तियां तथा 77 सुझाव प्राप्त हुए थे। इनकी गहन जांच के बाद इसे अंतिम रूप दिया गया।

यह जल्द ही एलजी की अध्यक्षता में होने वाली बैठक में रखी जाएगी।

Source: Dainik  Jagaran/3 Aug, 2018/ Delhi Edition || Hindustan/5 Aug, 2018/Delhi Edition

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will be conducting the public hearing on the Land Pooling Policy on July 2 and 3, per a statement made by DDA on Wednesday. This will comprise of Individual hearing of the persons who have filed their objections, suggestions/views, before the Board of Enquiry and Hearing.


Below is the chain of events:

Feb 18: In all, 734 objections, suggestions and observations or views were received by DDA.


Jan, 18: For the implementation of land pooling policy, public notices were published in newspapers for inviting objections, suggestions and observations or views within a period of 45 days from the general public.


Dec 17: Changes in Land Pooling Policy for the simplification of the process were accepted, in a meeting chaired by LG Anil Baijal on 21st of Dec, 2017. This effectively meant the transfer of pooled land to the DDA will not be required. Originally, the land pooled under the policy was to be transferred to the DDA, which would act as the developer entity and undertake further sectoral planning and development of infrastructure on the land pooled.


Oct 17:    Land pooling Policy was further simplified for speedy execution. Delhi Development Authority (DDA) role was limited to that of a facilitator and planner as against the role initially envisaged for it as a part of the simplification of execution of land pooling policy.


May 17: In May and June 2017, certain issues pending with the Delhi government, such as, notification of 89 villages under the DMC Act, 1957, and declaration of 95 villages as development area of the DDA under Section 12 of Delhi Development Act, 1957, were resolved.

Sources from Housing and Urban Development Ministry confirmed on Friday that the changes suggested in Land Pooling Policy in the October, this year, have now been incorporated and the amended Land Pooling Policy will get approved on December 8. With this, the process of rolling out the policy will begin.

“We are hoping that a public notice/notification inviting the landowners to come forward may be issued as early as January next year,” sources said.

As was informed earlier, the Lt Governor of Delhi, Mr Anil Baijal and Minister of Housing & Urban Affairs, Mr Hardeep Singh Puri, on 13th of October had a discussion on implementation of Land Pooling Policy. During this, some changes were suggested to the policy. The news was also covered by leading newspapers.

At the meeting, it was decided that the policy be simplified for speedy execution and that Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will just act as a facilitator and planner as against the role initially envisaged for it. Originally, the land was to be pooled by transferring the land to DDA, under the policy, which was to then undertake further sectoral planning and development of infrastructure in the zones marked under Land Pooling. This would have had financial implications as well, as only one side stamp duty was waived off on the proposed land transfer. At the October meeting, it was decided to do away with this requirement and ensure that land title continued to be with the original landowners.

Also, Mr Puri had recently tweeted that the work on Land Pooling Policy was in progress and final notification was being vetted.

DDA was also asked to immediately initiate spatial and services planning for the five zones covered under Land Pooling Policy, so that the policy could be given immediate effect after finalisation of regulations under the Policy.

DDA was also asked to ensure single-window clearance mechanism for according necessary approvals for speedy implementation at the meeting.

The National Institute of Urban Affairs was given the task to handhold DDA to make the necessary changes and create appropriate regulations for the implementation of the land pooling policy.

Source: Information referred from various online/offline sources.

Per the latest tweet from the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Mr Hardeep Singh Puri, work on the operationalisation of Land Pooling Policy is in progress.

Please refer the link below for details.

Transparency in the implementation of Land Pooling Policy had always been one of the underlying concerns around it.  To ensure the same, and for speedy execution of its ambitious land pooling policy, the DDA will now take the entire process online.

This will also mean minimum human intervention in its execution. Per a senior DDA official, a high-powered committee will be constituted to handle any disputes. He said the move is one of the several initiatives to make the policy simpler and viable to meet the growing demand for housing in the capital. The regulations will be formulated in association with National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA).

The UD minister earlier announced that the DDA will now just act as a facilitator and not the executioner of the Land Pooling policy, as was envisaged earlier. To shorten the process and to pave the way for a speedy implementation of an already delayed policy, the earlier process wherein DDA was to transfer land from the Developer entities to itself and then return the developed land back to the developer entities, will cease to exist.

DDA has been asked to prepare rules within a month to simplify the procedure.

UD minister, Hardeep Singh Puri and LG Anil Baijal had approved the changes in a meeting at Nirman Bhawan on 12th of this month.