Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society

Regn. No. District Shahdara/Society/170/2013
For family, friends and colleagues

As you would know, BJP has retained all 7 Lok Sabha seats of Delhi in the 2024 elections. We will be trying to work with the North-West Delhi MP, Sh. Yogender Chandolia and the West Delhi MP, Smt. Kamaljeet Sehrawat.

Also, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has gone to Sh Manohar Lal Khattar. We will be trying to raise the issue of pending bills/notifications with him too.

Further, we have not been able to obtain written consent from the remaining landowners, as it seems they prefer to wait for notifications from the government before committing to the consortium in writing.

On the matter of whitepaper, we were approached by the members that they were not able to raise the intended amount and wanted the Society to pitch in. Since the Society had agreed to the whitepaper work on member’s demand, during the last AGM, we agreed to reimburse them for the partial cost.

Dear All,

We are glad to update that after trying all alternate available routes we were finally able to register the Consortium (a company limited by Guarantee and not having share capital) by the name of ‘Genesis Smart City Development Cosmopolitan’, for Sector 7A of P-II Zone. Landowners of the Sector and the DDA have been updated regarding the same.  

We had prepared a legal agreement (contract agreement, named ‘Landowners Agreement’) for all the landowners of the sector to sign to get them legally associated with the Consortium. The same was also sent to DDA (Pitampura and Vikas Sadan, INA offices) for review. After discussing the contents of it with farmers and some other landowners and getting inputs from possible sources (lawyers, company secretaries, etc.), we finalized its language and have started getting individual copies signed. Society President, Mr. Dipender Jain, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Consortium and is authorized to sign the agreement from the Consortium’s side. The Landowners are also being registered on the Consortium’s website (www.gscdc.in), which has now been made operational. 

Some notification(s), and amendments in regards to land pooling were expected by around September this month, which comprised of Notification of MPD-2041, an amendment to the DDA Act of 1957 (to include changes related to Land Pooling, redevelopment, etc., to the DDA’s by-laws) and some specific changes to the Land Pooling Policy, to make it more lucrative for the DE(s), such as, increase in FAR, changes regarding EDC, etc. One other important feature being expected from the Parliament in regard to the Delhi Land Pooling Policy is making participation compulsory for remaining landowners once 70% participation is achieved in a Sector, so as to achieve contiguity, which is a must for efficient planning of the Sector. 

We have already received consent for the consortium from over 50% of landowners. By getting the ‘Landowners Agreement’ signed we are fulfilling the prerequisite for the consortium to get into an agreement with the DDA, for the development of the Sector. It will take some convincing on our/Consortium’s part to get individual landowners to sign the agreement. By the time govt may bring in the above-mentioned changes, including the law to make it compulsory for the remaining landowners, we are hopeful of getting it signed by the majority of the landowners.  Please revert with any suggestions that you may have in this regard.


Dear All,

Below are the latest updates on Consortium / Land Pooling work for our Sector 7A (P-II Zone):

As on Consortium registration front, because of several technical issues with the new MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) V3 Portal, the consortium / company registration work is getting hampered. Our Company Secretary and lawyers are working with their customer care representatives to get them resolved as early as possible.

Also, since the three months window for consortium work is coming to an end, we have filed for an extension for the same.

Many senior DDA officials including Vice-Chairman, Principal Commissioner, Commissioner – Planning, visited P-II zone (mostly around our sector) few weeks back. They visited the areas marked for construction of major roads, such as, UER-II & I, areas occupied by unauthorized colonies and farm-houses and other road-blocks. Thereafter, they had a meeting with the PM in regards to the progress been made on the Delhi Land Pooling.

Several new features are being expected to be introduced to the land pooling policy by the central government in the next 2-3 months to cater to issues of the non-participating farmers / landowners and to bring them into the policy so as to achieve contiguity.

Besides, DDA has put sector-wise Boards at multiple locations in P-II Zone. We would like to inform that in consultation with us, they have put up boards for Sector 7A too.

DDA has also initiated measurement of arterial roads and the new ring-roads (Urban Extension) and have started to clear out unauthorized constructions in the P-II Zone.

Please revert in case of any query / suggestions.

Dear All,

We met with Mr Amrish Kumar, Director – Land Pooling on the 20th of this month. We were informed that they have received the nod from the ministry for the issuance of the Consortium notices. It took them a while because of the ongoing budget session. Also, the ministry has provided them with sufficient powers to make certain amendments and to take policy-related decisions, per the need. 

With the LG being the Chairman of the DDA, the file has been sent to him for him to acknowledge. We were informed that the DDA VC is on leave and hence it may take some more days for them to release the notices than anticipated, though they are hoping for that to happen by the end of this month. He even called someone to confirm if LG has received/seen the file sent by DDA, though the same couldn’t be confirmed.  

As a welcome step, they have already drafted the ‘Press Release’ for issuing the notices for consortium formation and we were provided with a copy of the same to read.  

Also, he confirmed that after the release of the first 3 notices, the second list will comprise of sectors 7, 8 and 1 of the P2 zone.  

They will also be putting DDA boards in the sectors (around 20 per sector) with details so as to create awareness among the general public. The budget has already been cleared for the same. 


Dear All,

As was informed earlier, we are waiting for the DDA to issue Consortium Notices. DDA had already finalized files for 3 sectors by Jan, this year, those have attained close to 90% participation. They are planning to release notice of the remaining sectors which have achieved over 70% participation soon after.

The delay is happening because of concerns regarding land contiguity. Planning of the sector will be difficult without taking care of the un-pooled land scattered throughout within the sector. There are few options to take care of this issue that DDA is working upon.

In our meeting with Mr Manoj Joshi, Secretary – MoHUA, on 5th Feb, this year, we advised them to let the consortium work initiate and postpone the contiguity issue till next round, since the process can take a couple of months for the first sector to develop a SOP and thereafter it will be more of a copy-paste for the rest. As per our conversation with the DDA officials, they seem to have accepted the suggestion. Same was also reported by several media houses on 9th March. Continuous meetings are being held with the stakeholders to discuss on some technicalities and the consortium notice is expected to be released soon.   

Please refer your email for more details.

Society President, Mr Dippender Jain along with 5 other participants (representatives from NARDECO, CREDAI, FICCI etc) were invited for a meeting with Mr Manoj Joshi (Secretary, MoHUA) along with VC, DDA and other senior officials from MoHUA and DDA, on Feb 05 (Saturday). The objective was to develop an understanding of the reasons behind the slow progress on Delhi’s land pooling.

Some of the key points were:

  1. VC, DDA informed all that they sent a proposal to the ministry for making participation compulsory for the remaining landowners in a sector once the 70% criteria is met. He also informed that he received a query from the ministry on this proposal, to which he has reverted.
  2. Issue of low FAR was raised by a couple of participants and suggestions were made to raise it till atleast 3. The proposal was taken under consideration.
  3. We informed them that the participation will increase only after we are able to implement the policy in atleast one of the sectors. For which they will need to issue the Consortium notice first. We also informed them that we believe we will need to work on the solutions to the technical anomalies in the policy as and when we approach them, but DDA will need to move the policy forward.

All the points raised by the participants were duly noted. They will further discuss on the suggestions made, among themselves. We are hoping for an outcome within a week or two.      

Also, DDA has released its budget for the year, in which a lot of focus and amount has been put towards the development of infrastructure for Land Pooling zones. The end date for the completion of UER-II has been set for next year. This UER-II forms the North side boundary of our Sector and would provide seamless connectivity between all the land pooling zones while connecting Delhi with neighboring states, from Mahipalpur on Delhi-Gurgaon expressway to Chandigarh.  

Here are some of the updates on the policy front:

  • DDA has introduced a change in the policy, under which, it too will now become part of the consortium in the form of Developer Entity (DE) for the development of gram-sabha land. This will improve the landowner’s confidence in the Consortium.
  • Although things have been moving in a positive way, the verification of land records of the participating landowners has been getting slower due to the pandemic.
  • DDA has also brought in a change in the policy to provide more flexibility on the utilization of the FAR, to make it more attractive for the landowners.

We will soon reinitiate our efforts to work with the landowners of our Sector and the DDA officials as the overall covid situation will start to improve.        

As you all should be aware that per the modified land policy, two prerequisites were to be catered to, to get the policy implemented. The first one was to get 70% landowners, within the sector, to show willingness to participate under the policy.

Per the data obtained from DDA regarding the participation percentage after the closure of the last submission window (on 20th of Dec, 2020), our Sector has crossed the 70% mark. The same will need to be verified and confirmed by the revenue department, GNCTD.

Also, as had been informed earlier, we have started taking consent from the landowners for the Consortium formation, which is the second prerequisite. This will help us approach DDA for taking up the Consortium formation work once DDA would issue the notice for the formation of the same.  

Dear All,

On behalf of the Governing Body of the Society, I wish a very Happy New Year, 2021 to all the members and their loved ones.

Let’s take this as an opportunity to welcome a fresh start to chasing our goals and dreams with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Given the challenges we all faced in the past few years, it can be hard to focus on the intended positive outcome; but with each other’s support, we will attain our goal sooner than later.

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and abundant 2021!

I would also like to thank you all for supporting us in conducting the Society’s Annual General Body Meeting, held on the 05th of Dec, 2020, successfully.

Highlights of the meeting are as follows:

Meeting began with my opening remarks. Some of the points made during the speech were: 

  1. All were updated that to get the policy on the ground, a couple of prerequisites were to be met first. First one was that a minimum of 70% landowners in any given sector will need to show the willingness to participate in land pooling per the modified policy. Another one reduced the role of the DDA in the policy execution and introduced the concept of a consortium of the landowners.
  2. All were made aware of the ongoing online window by DDA for increasing landowner’s participation under the policy.
  3. Participants were informed about the efforts being put in to help with the increase in the participation among the landowners and to make strategic inroads towards proceeding with the Consortium formation work.

Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Report, Audit Report, etc, for the year 2019-20 were shared, discussed and approved.

The reappointment of statutory auditors was discussed and the management was empowered to continue with the present auditors for the year 2020-21.

Minutes of the last AGM held on 21st of December, 2019 were shared and approved.

Treasurer, Mr Prabodh Kamal, gave a speech, on behalf of the Society, detailing events since the inception of the Society.

Thereafter, we resumed our discussion on the ongoing processes and what could be expected from the year to come.  

Questions were taken from the participants till there were none left.

Mr Gulshan Jain concluded the meeting with the vote of thanks.

On behalf of the Governing Body, I will like to thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Dippender Jain
Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society