Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society

Regn. No. District Shahdara/Society/170/2013
For family, friends and colleagues

Dear All,

Wishing you and yours a year filled with blessings !!

I would also like to thank you all for supporting us in conducting the Society’s Eight Annual General Body Meeting, held on the 25th of Dec, 2021, successfully.

Highlights of the meeting are as follows:

Meeting began with my opening remarks. Some of the points made during the speech were: 

  1. All were updated that due to all the hard work put in by the team, we were able to achieve 70% participation in the Sector. It was later confirmed by the DDA after verification was completed by the revenue dept. The land reconciliation work was in progress by the time of AGM which was to adjust land from gram-sabha, forest dept, other government-owned lands etc.
  2. Consortium notice is supposed to be issued by the DDA officials by the end of the year 2021, plus/minus a few days.
  3. DDA begun work on DMRC realignment in accordance to land pooling for phase-4 work, fund allocation for UER-II, tender issuance for the hiring of consultant for carrying out of mobility plan, technical modifications to cater to anomalies within policy, etc
  4. We have begun work on the consortium front. This comprises of seeking consent from the landowners, formation of a landowner’s committee, drafting of by-laws for the consortium etc.

Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Report, Audit Report, etc, for the year 2020-21 were shared, discussed and approved.

The reappointment of statutory auditors was discussed and the management was empowered to continue with the present auditors for the year 2021-22.

Minutes of the last AGM held on the 05th of December, 2020 were shared and approved.

Expenses to be done in regards to consortium formation were discussed and approved.

Thereafter, we resumed our discussion on the ongoing processes and what could be expected from the year to come.  

Questions were raised regarding the consortium related activities, which were replied to in detail.

Mr Gulshan Jain concluded the meeting with a vote of thanks.

On behalf of the Governing Body, I will like to thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Dippender Jain
Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society