Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society

Regn. No. District Shahdara/Society/170/2013
For family, friends and colleagues

President, Mr Dippender Jain, led a delegation of the Confederation of Developer Entities to meet DDA officials at Vikas Minar on Tuesday, 23 April 2019 to discuss matters related to the implementation of the Land Pooling.

DDA Officials conveyed that the news published regarding the low submission rate was per some old data and it did not reflect their current stats. They seemed quite hopeful on getting the desired numbers before the closure of the pooling window.

Some of the topics discussed in the meeting were:

  • Pre-submission and post-submission process,
  • DDA’s understanding on the formation and working of a consortium,
  • Technical concerns regarding submission of land papers by the land-owners,
  • Current status on the applicability of the DLR act on villages under Land-pooling, etc.

The DDA officials were apprised of the work being done by the Confederation in bringing all stakeholders together for the successful formation of Sector(s) in the land pooling zones. They were informed that to raise awareness among land-owners, the forum has come up with banners and pamphlets; and are also organizing frequent meetings to help them with their queries.

Confederation representatives were assured of all possible support for educating the land-owners and helping them out with the participation through meetings and by establishing help-desks in the vicinity.