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December 14, 2024
Dear All,
I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for your support in ensuring the successful conduct of the Society’s 11th Annual General Body Meeting, held on December 7th, 2024.
Highlights of the meeting are as follows:
Meeting began with my opening remarks. Some of the highlights of the speech were:
Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Report, Audit Report, etc, for the year 2023-24 were shared, discussed and approved.
It was informed that per the suggestion from a member from past year’s AGM, the existing auditors were replaced for the financial year 2024-25. The same was discussed and approved.
Minutes of the last AGM held on the 30th of December, 2023 were presented.
Thereafter, we resumed our discussion on the ongoing process and what could be expected from the year to come. The forum was thereafter opened to the members for further queries/concerns.
During the discussion, it was informed that on request of some of the members, an additional agenda was adopted in the 9th AGM of the Society, held on 31st December 2022, to incorporate an exit policy.
Please refer to the post below for more details on the same:
Happy New Year, 2023
It was reiterated that once the Sector work is completed and the process proceeds to the next stage, members will be provided with the option to either continue their membership or place it on hold until they get to transfer it to some new member.
Thereafter meeting was concluded with everyone’s permission after a vote of thanks from Mr Sameer Mahajan.
On behalf of the Governing Body, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone for their support and cooperation.
Dippender Jain
Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society
November 29, 2024
November 23, 2024
As has been mentioned before, to submit the sector with DDA for sector planning, we need to get consent to the consortium (GSCDC, a private limited company registered through us) from atleast 70% of the sector’s landowners (plus some safety buffer). So far we have received consent from around 55% of them. We are in talks with some of the remaining landowners owning around 20-25% of the land. As soon as we receive the consent for around 15-18% more land, we will be moving forward with submission of the same.
We all need to understand that this process comprises of individual landowners (farmers, investors, societies, builders) getting into agreement with a private entity (the consortium), unknown to them, handing over atleast 40% of their land rights, agreeing to pay for the costs, and allowing this private entity to take decisions on their behalf.
Also, since this sort of collaboration is a first of its kind, there is no existing legal agreement present. They need to trust and agree to the legal language drafted by us. The enrollment of every new landowner with the consortium raises the trust factor and makes it easier for us to bring in the remaining ones. But still, it requires us to work with them individually, giving each ample amount of time, for them to know us and in time develop trust in us. This requires huge amount of efforts. Hence the progress had been slow but steady and in the right direction.
In the meanwhile, in a recent meeting of stakeholders, it was decided that a proposal will be presented to DDA’s Land Pooling Division to remove parts of Sector 7a where landowners have yet not shown interest in working with the Sector’s consortium.
We will be preparing two proposals for the same. First one will comprise of removing around 25 acres of land, and second one will be comprised of removing additional 20-25 acres more.
We will try to work with the remaining landowners for 3-4 more weeks, and based on the outcome, we will present DDA officials with one of the two proposals.
Also, we sent some suggestions to PMO and Secretary (MoHUA), which were later forwarded to the VC, DDA and were then taken into consideration. We will be meeting with the MP, Sh. Yogender Chandolia to discuss over the same in-person.
Suggestions are always welcome.
July 16, 2024
As you would know, BJP has retained all 7 Lok Sabha seats of Delhi in the 2024 elections. We will be trying to work with the North-West Delhi MP, Sh. Yogender Chandolia and the West Delhi MP, Smt. Kamaljeet Sehrawat.
Also, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has gone to Sh Manohar Lal Khattar. We will be trying to raise the issue of pending bills/notifications with him too.
Further, we have not been able to obtain written consent from the remaining landowners, as it seems they prefer to wait for notifications from the government before committing to the consortium in writing.
On the matter of whitepaper, we were approached by the members that they were not able to raise the intended amount and wanted the Society to pitch in. Since the Society had agreed to the whitepaper work on member’s demand, during the last AGM, we agreed to reimburse them for the partial cost.
January 1, 2024
Dear All,
Wishing Health and Happiness to you and yours in the New Year ahead!!
I would also like to thank you all for supporting us in conducting the Society’s 10th Annual General Body Meeting, held on the 30th of Dec, 2023, successfully.
Highlights of the meeting are as follows:
Meeting began with my opening remarks. Some of the highlights of the speech were:
Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Report, Audit Report, etc, for the year 2022-23 were shared, discussed and approved.
The reappointment of statutory auditors was discussed and the management was empowered to continue with the present auditors for the year 2023-24. On suggestion of a member, it was resolved that change of current Auditors of the Society will be kept under consideration for a later stage once the financial activities will pick up.
Minutes of the last AGM held on the 31st of December, 2022 were read.
Since no nominations were received for the Society elections and no member, present during the AGM, showed interest to participate in the Society elections or to replace the existing governing body, the existing Governing Body was given an extension for another term with everyone’s permission.
Thereafter, we resumed our discussion on the ongoing processes and what could be expected from the year to come.
On request of some members, it was resolved that
Thereafter meeting was concluded with everyone’s permission after vote of thanks from Mr Sameer Mahajan.
On behalf of the Governing Body, I would like to express gratitude for your support and co-operation and wish you success in all your endeavors.
Dippender Jain
December 15, 2023
As was informed earlier, some notification(s), and amendments in regards to land pooling were expected by around September, which comprised of Notification of MPD-2041, an amendment to the DDA Act of 1957 (to include changes related to Land Pooling, redevelopment, etc., to the DDA’s by-laws) and some specific changes to the Land Pooling Policy, to make it more lucrative for the DE(s), such as, increase in FAR, changes regarding EDC, etc. One other important feature being expected from the Parliament regarding the Delhi Land Pooling Policy is to make/clarify policy on the remaining landowners once 70% participation is achieved in a Sector, to achieve contiguity, which is a must for efficient planning of the Sector.
In October, Khap of around 360 villages of Delhi, backed by the Societies, started agitation with the intent of putting pressure on LG / Central Govt for immediate notification of Master Plan 2041 (also being pursued by the Supreme Court) and to finalize work on other amendments in regards to Delhi Land Pooling at the earliest. They were informed by senior ministers/officials that the files are with the PMO and will soon be released/notified.
We are waiting on them and as was our understanding previously, the timing of the above notification/amendments is being affected by the fact that the country will go for the Lok Sabha elections in the early next year.
In the meantime, we are keeping all the landowners of the sector in the loop by having frequent meetings with them. We have already received the consent to authorize the consortium from the majority of landowners. We are just awaiting the policy in regards to the remaining landowners to achieve the contiguity in our sector.
Also, as was informed earlier, we have initiated a future activity of getting contract agreements signed by the landowners of our Sector for them to legally transfer the rights of a minimum 40% of their land to the consortium for roads and other infrastructure. We have already got it signed by some landowners and have shared the draft with the rest. In cases where the landowner is a Company or any other registered organization, we are having meetings with their management and their legal team to help them understand the content of the agreement and to handle their concerns. We are making good progress on that part.
Any suggestion is welcome on the same.
September 4, 2023
Dear All,
We are glad to update that after trying all alternate available routes we were finally able to register the Consortium (a company limited by Guarantee and not having share capital) by the name of ‘Genesis Smart City Development Cosmopolitan’, for Sector 7A of P-II Zone. Landowners of the Sector and the DDA have been updated regarding the same.
We had prepared a legal agreement (contract agreement, named ‘Landowners Agreement’) for all the landowners of the sector to sign to get them legally associated with the Consortium. The same was also sent to DDA (Pitampura and Vikas Sadan, INA offices) for review. After discussing the contents of it with farmers and some other landowners and getting inputs from possible sources (lawyers, company secretaries, etc.), we finalized its language and have started getting individual copies signed. Society President, Mr. Dipender Jain, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Consortium and is authorized to sign the agreement from the Consortium’s side. The Landowners are also being registered on the Consortium’s website (www.gscdc.in), which has now been made operational.
Some notification(s), and amendments in regards to land pooling were expected by around September this month, which comprised of Notification of MPD-2041, an amendment to the DDA Act of 1957 (to include changes related to Land Pooling, redevelopment, etc., to the DDA’s by-laws) and some specific changes to the Land Pooling Policy, to make it more lucrative for the DE(s), such as, increase in FAR, changes regarding EDC, etc. One other important feature being expected from the Parliament in regard to the Delhi Land Pooling Policy is making participation compulsory for remaining landowners once 70% participation is achieved in a Sector, so as to achieve contiguity, which is a must for efficient planning of the Sector.
We have already received consent for the consortium from over 50% of landowners. By getting the ‘Landowners Agreement’ signed we are fulfilling the prerequisite for the consortium to get into an agreement with the DDA, for the development of the Sector. It will take some convincing on our/Consortium’s part to get individual landowners to sign the agreement. By the time govt may bring in the above-mentioned changes, including the law to make it compulsory for the remaining landowners, we are hopeful of getting it signed by the majority of the landowners. Please revert with any suggestions that you may have in this regard.
July 4, 2023
Dear All,
Below are the latest updates on Consortium / Land Pooling work for our Sector 7A (P-II Zone):
As on Consortium registration front, because of several technical issues with the new MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) V3 Portal, the consortium / company registration work is getting hampered. Our Company Secretary and lawyers are working with their customer care representatives to get them resolved as early as possible.
Also, since the three months window for consortium work is coming to an end, we have filed for an extension for the same.
Many senior DDA officials including Vice-Chairman, Principal Commissioner, Commissioner – Planning, visited P-II zone (mostly around our sector) few weeks back. They visited the areas marked for construction of major roads, such as, UER-II & I, areas occupied by unauthorized colonies and farm-houses and other road-blocks. Thereafter, they had a meeting with the PM in regards to the progress been made on the Delhi Land Pooling.
Several new features are being expected to be introduced to the land pooling policy by the central government in the next 2-3 months to cater to issues of the non-participating farmers / landowners and to bring them into the policy so as to achieve contiguity.
Besides, DDA has put sector-wise Boards at multiple locations in P-II Zone. We would like to inform that in consultation with us, they have put up boards for Sector 7A too.
DDA has also initiated measurement of arterial roads and the new ring-roads (Urban Extension) and have started to clear out unauthorized constructions in the P-II Zone.
Please revert in case of any query / suggestions.
April 7, 2023
This is to inform that DDA has released the notice for Sector 7A on 06th of April. Per data provided by DDA, the total land in the sector is 299 Ha; out of which 64 Ha is vacant area. Per the issued notice, we will have upto 3 months to form the consortium with atleast 70% contiguous land. Though it can be extended further on request, we will be trying to achieve this in the provided period.
We met with DDA officials at Vikas Minar, Vikas Sadan and at their Land Pooling office at Pitampura multiple times this year. During our last meeting, held on 13-March, with the DDA’s Commissioner in regards to issuance of Notice for Sector 7A, we were informed that the delay was because of an objection filed by some party on the delimitation. After consulting with us, DDA commissioner decided to move forward with the issuance of notice and informed us that the same would happen in a couple of week’s time.
After a number of cycles of discussion, our legal representatives have finalized the first draft of the Articles for consortium registration. We have sent it to DDA, this morning, for their legal team to have a look and also to the landowners, to be finalized in the next couple of weeks before sending it for registration.
DDA has approved the master plan for 2041 and now it will be forwarded to MoHUA for final approval and notification.
Also, DDA has reopened the participation window to allow the landowners who have not yet came forward. We will also be trying to identify such landowners and will convince them to show willingness, so as to achieve contiguity.
With this, we will like to update all that we are almost on track as was anticipated at the beginning of this year, except for that we are off by a little over a month. The outcome that we were expecting by the end of Feb will now be achieved by the end of first week of April.
January 1, 2023
Dear All,
Wishing you and yours a year Happy and Blessed New Year !!
I would also like to thank you all for supporting us in conducting the Society’s 9th Annual General Body Meeting, held on the 31st of Dec, 2022, successfully.
Highlights of the meeting are as follows:
Meeting began with my opening remarks. Some of the points made during the speech were:
Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Report, Audit Report, etc, for the year 2021-22 were shared, discussed and approved.
The reappointment of statutory auditors was discussed and the management was empowered to continue with the present auditors for the year 2022-23.
Minutes of the last AGM held on the 25th of December, 2021 were placed.
On request of some member, an additional agenda was incorporated to discuss the exit process for the members who do not wish to continue. It was reiterated that since the amount gathered to purchase the land was already invested for the purpose, a refund is not possible. Issues with sale of land were also discussed in detail. It was informed that if still any member wishes to get separated at this stage, then, since registration of atleast a Bigha (approx. 1008 yards) of land is allowed, they can form a separate group, constituted for the purpose, and get their land share separated. Other possibilities, such as, transfer of membership etc. were also discussed in detail. It was also agreed upon that the Society will not force such members, who do not wish to continue further and are awaiting membership transfer, to make any further payments for any future expenses.
Thereafter, we resumed our discussion on the ongoing processes and what could be expected from the year to come.
Mr Gulshan Jain concluded the meeting with a vote of thanks.
On behalf of the Governing Body, I will like to thank all our members for their continued support and co-operation and wish you a wonderful year ahead.
Dippender Jain
Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society
Account Name | : Aashiyana Housing Welfare Society |
Account No. | : 105011021210 |
Bank | : Dena Bank |
Branch | : Patparganj, Delhi |
IFSC Code | : BKDN0711280 |
Account Type | : Current |